Secret Of Drinking Kesar Almond Milk On Wedding Night 2023

Newly Indian married couples are for the most part offered for Drinking Kesar almond Milk on their wedding night. We as a whole Indians accept and follow customs or traditions without knowing the explanation for it.

While some of them are plain nonsense and others have a few veritable reasons. This delightful concoction is believed to have numerous health benefits and symbolizes the essence of love, fertility, and prosperity.

In this article, we delve into the secret behind drinking Kesar almond milk on this auspicious occasion and explore its significance for the newly married couple.[Drinking Kesar almond Milk]


Marriage is a hallowed organization and there are numerous traditions that were framed remembering a few elements, similar as this one. It is accepted that the main wedding night is the underpinning of a delighted wedded life.

According to customs or traditions, it is accepted that leaving an intimate existence with a glass of Kesar Almonds Milk adds pleasantness to the relationship. Now its time to discuss about the Secret Of Drinking Kesar Almond Milk By Newly Indian Married Couple On Their Wedding Night [Drinking Kesar almond Milk]

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Where Did This Come From?

As per numerous texts, Kama Sutra incorporated these innovations to support the endurance and energy of the couple during intercourse. This was finished to make the main night experience more significant.

Putting fixings like honey, fennel juice, pepper, turmeric in milk is so self-evident yet giving this on the first-night suggestion is came from, as a matter of fact, Kama Sutra scripts and some way or another tracked down its way into the Hindu practice.[Drinking Kesar almond Milk]

Secret Of Drinking Kesar Almond Milk On Wedding Night 2023:

The reasons are in below with elaborately so that Hindu Non Indians can understand the secrets of our sacred institution and traditions…

Considered as Auspicious:

According to the Hinduism, milk is a substance which is so unadulterated and is viewed as exceptionally promising. Consequently, the couple ought to begin a fresh start of their existence with drinking this ideal beverage.[Drinking Kesar almond Milk]

Go about As Animating Sexual Craving:

This blend is viewed as a love potion which means drinking milk on the primary night supports charisma and sex drive. Milk, squashed almonds, and saffron are a strong mix which gives prompt energy to our body. It is additionally used to increment interest in sex.[Drinking Kesar almond Milk]

Health Benefits of Kesar Almond Milk:

Apart from its cultural significance, Kesar almond milk offers several health benefits that make it an ideal choice for the wedding night. Let’s explore some of these benefits:

Enhances mood and relieves stress: Saffron contains compounds that stimulate the release of serotonin in the brain, a neurotransmitter responsible for regulating mood. Consuming Kesar almond milk can promote a sense of relaxation and well-being, reducing stress and anxiety levels.

Boosts fertility and reproductive health: Both saffron and almonds have been associated with promoting fertility in various traditional practices. Saffron helps in regulating menstrual cycles, while almonds provide essential nutrients like vitamin E, zinc, and selenium, which are known to improve reproductive health in both men and women.

Supports digestion: Almonds are a rich source of dietary fiber, which aids digestion and prevents constipation. When combined with the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of saffron, Kesar almond milk can provide relief from digestive issues and promote a healthy gut.

Provides nourishment: Almonds are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats that nourish the body and promote overall well-being. Saffron, being rich in antioxidants, helps in fighting free radicals and supports cellular health.[Drinking Kesar almond Milk]

Prevents pre-mature ejaculation:

While saffron is frequently connected with different medical advantages, including its Spanish fly properties, there is restricted logical proof explicitly connecting saffron to the counteraction of untimely discharge.

Untimely discharge is a typical sexual worry that can have numerous causes, including mental and physiological elements.

Saffron has been generally utilized in specific societies for upgrading sexual execution and libido potential. In any case, more logical exploration is expected to lay out its adequacy in treating explicit sexual dysfunctions like untimely discharge. [Drinking Kesar almond Milk]

It means quite a bit to take note of that singular encounters and responses to various substances might differ.

Preparing Kesar Almond Milk for the Wedding Night:

To prepare this special drink, follow these simple steps:

> Soak a few strands of saffron in warm milk for around 15 minutes. This allows the milk to absorb the rich color and distinct aroma of saffron.

>Meanwhile, blanch a handful of almonds by soaking them in hot water for a few minutes, then removing their skin.

>Grind the blanched almonds into a fine paste using a blender or food processor.

>In a saucepan, heat milk and add the saffron-infused milk along with the almond paste.

>Stir the mixture gently and let it simmer for a few minutes until it reaches a creamy consistency.

>Add sweetener of your choice (such as honey or sugar) according to taste.

>Pour the Kesar almond milk into two beautiful glasses and serve it to the newly married couple to enjoy together.[Drinking Kesar almond Milk]


Drinking Kesar almond milk on the wedding night is an age-old tradition in India, representing love, fertility, and prosperity. Beyond its cultural significance, this delightful beverage offers a range of health benefits, including mood enhancement, improved reproductive health, digestive support, and overall nourishment.

By incorporating this tradition into their celebrations, newly married couples can start their journey on a blissful note, embracing the richness of Indian culture and the magic of Kesar almond milk.


Why do we drink milk on wedding night?

During the wedding services, the couple is given milk, saffron, and squashed almonds to reestablish their energy by giving their bodies more protein.
This combo is alluded to be a love potion, which suggests that when consumed, it builds our longing for sex and provides us with a speedy shock of essentialness.

Why does the bride give milk to groom?

It is viewed as a purging specialist and is utilized toward the start of various ceremonies. As the lady of the hour and lucky man start an intimate life, milk denotes its start; the demonstration of utilization is viewed as a characteristic of filtration.

What do couples do on wedding night?

The wedding night, likewise generally prevalently known as ‘suhaag raat’, is when recently marries are supposed to perfect their marriage and for some couples, who had never had an actual relationship, this night may be whenever they first would have intercourse with the accomplice.

What a woman should do on her wedding night?

Take Things Gradually. The evening of your wedding, it’s ideal to take things decent and gradually.
Converse with Your Other Half.
Remain Loose.
Bring down Your Assumptions.
Switch Off Your Wedding Mind.
Leave The Party At A Particular Time.
Get Coy.
Wear Something Provocative.

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